

Traditional Dishes


Several traditional dishes hold great cultural significance in Maltese society.

Fenkata, (Rabbit stew) is a national dish simmered in a rich wine and tomato sauce infused with bay leaves. This dish possibly started as a form of symbolic resistance to the hunting restrictions imposed by the Knights of St John.

Other traditional dishes include:

  • Braġjoli (beef olives)
  • Ross il-forn (baked rice with a homemade bolognese and oven-baked until it's golden brown)
  • Kapunata (Maltese ratatouille)
  • Soppa tal-Armla, which translates to Widow’s Soup. The soup’s name originates from the Medieval practice of gifting poor, widowed women with vegetables and other available produce to create a hearty meal. This soup was a staple during poorer times.
  • Homemade ravjoli stuffed with ricotta or gbejna (cheeselet made with sheep or goat's milk) served with fresh tomato sauce and a generous sprinkle of parmesan cheese.
  • Zalzett Malti, a traditional Maltese sausage made from ground pork, sea salt and pepper, crushed coriander seeds, parsley, and spices.

One of the most popular street foods is Pastizzi, a savoury pastry filled with ricotta or mushy peas.

Traditional Dishes